Battling A Slow And Time-Hungry Process Monster?

Your creative agency just emailed to tell you they’ve run out of head hours. The job you’re paying them to do isn’t anywhere near done. Ah the joys of the time-based model. Ready for something different? It’s not just you.

6 Ways you haven’t thought about Freelancers

Like a lot of folk, I saw the news that Publicis will be pulling back their spend on freelance talent and noted that the prevailing reason given was that the UK has very stringent laws, which can make these engagements *slightly more complex in IR35.

Cultural competency is critical to creative success in Asia

Whatever Hollywood may think, Asia is not a monolith. Rather, it’s an incredibly complex region—home to 51 countries and over 2,300 languages. Mash’s Rich Akers shares why what works for one Asian country may not work for another, and how brands can avoid partaking in ‘creative colonialism’.

Tired of the big agency God complex? Thank God for Mash

The Marketing and Creative industry is changing, and not because it wants to. The simple fact is today’s timelines and bottom lines demand a different way to access creative talent. That different way is in-house agencies. Are you curious?

The role of cultural relevance – Insights from Mashers

Culture is key to impactful campaigns and we’re bringing you a whole new series from some of our most dynamic Mashers who know a thing or two about cultural effectiveness. We ask them to curate 5 culture questions and dig into the insights they think you need to hear. Creative gold below.

Is AI overrated? AdFest 2024 thinks so!

Though the theme this year was Human Intelligence (a counter-punch to the rise of gen AI in the creative and advertising industry), my biggest takeaway was the fatigue the creative community felt about the topic. There were plenty of incredible and insightful presentations on AI, but for the most part, people were looking forward, not back.

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